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HUKUM INFO 2020/2021


Hi, ALSAians!

Virtual Police are police officers who operate/patrol in cyberspace, especially social media to educate, give warnings and monitor content that has the potential to violate the law.

Read the ALSA LC Unhas’s Hukum Info to
find out more about Virtual Police.

Ignite the spirit within ALSA,
Hand in hand, together we can.

Always Be One!


Hi, ALSAians!

Myanmar coup 2021 is started when democratically elected members of the country's ruling party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), were deposed by the Myanmar's military, which then vested power in a stratocracy.

Read the ALSA LC UNHAS's Hukum Info to
find out more about Myanmar Coup.

Ignite the spirit within ALSA,
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Always Be One!


Hi, ALSAians!

President Jokowi signs PP No. 8 Tahun 2021 tentang Modal Dasar Perseroan serta Pendaftaran Pendirian, Perubahan, dan Pembubaran Perseroan yang Memenuhi Kriteria untuk Usaha Mikro dan Kecil (PP Perseroan)

The issue of PP No. 8 Tahun 2021 has become a hot topic because it provides a legal basis for the community to make it easier to establish and license a business that is a permanent legal entity.

Read the ALSA LC Unhas’s Hukum Info to
find out more about PP 8/2021!

Ignite the spirits within ALSA,
Hand in hand, together we can.

Always Be One!


Hi, ALSAians!

For more than 70 years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has affected the Middle East landscape. A comprehensive diplomatic solution has defied international efforts, leaving publics disillusioned about the prospect of peace. Large-scale violence ebbs and flows, leaving communities insecure and enabling the conflict to persist as a rallying tool for extremist actors, thereby demanding international attention.

Read the ALSA LC UNHAS Hukum Info to
find out more about Israeli - Palestinians Conflict from International Law Perspective.

Ignite the spirits within ALSA,
Hand in hand, together we can.

Always Be One!


Hi, ALSAians!

Ministerial Regulation of Communication and Information Technology No. 5 Tahun 2020 tentang Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik (PSE) Lingkup Privat, (Permenkominfo No. 5 Tahun 2020) regulates all accessible private “electronic system operators” in Indonesia, such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Gojek, Grab, Tokopedia, and so on.

In practice, it turns out that this rule has controversy because it is considered to interfere too much in the private sphere.

Read the ALSA LC Unhas’ Hukum Info to
find out more about Permenkominfo No. 5 Tahun 2020!

Ignite the spirits within ALSA,
Hand in hand together we can.

ALSA, Always Be One!


Hi, ALSAians!

Formed in 1994, the Taliban were made up of former Afghan resistance fighters. They aimed to impose their interpretation of Islamic law on the country and remove any foreign influence.

Read the ALSA LC Unhas Hukum Info to
find out more about Afghanistan against the Insurgent of Taliban.

Ignite the Spirits within ALSA,
Hand in hand, together we can.

Always Be One!


Hi, ALSAians!

Under Law Number 1 of 1974 on Marriage ("1974 Marriage Law"), a marriage conducted in Indonesia becomes valid if it is done in accordance with each of [recognized] religion and belief in Indonesia. Further, Government also regulate it by Regulation Number 9 of 1975 on Implementation of 1974 Marriage Law ("1975 Marriage Regulation") regarding a procedure to register a marriage.

The registration of a marriage in Indonesia shall determine the governing law for divorce. Thats why, the divorce process of Muslim couple takes place in religious court under Islamic religious procedure regulations. Meanwhile, a divorce process for non-Moslem couple takes process in a general court under general court procedure regulations.

Read the ALSA LC Unhas's Hukum Info to
find out more about Divorce in Indonesia.

Ignite the spirits within ALSA,
Hand in hand together we can.

Always Be One!


Hi, ALSAians!

Legal remedy is the right given by the law to each party in a case, to extend their objection regarding a verdict. Disagreement must be extended in written at the registrar and made as a deed in a certain period. If it is not being done through as stipulated, it is considered that the party has accepted the verdict. In this case, Indonesia has regulated the existence of legal remedies that can be carried out by the defendant as regulated in Indonesia’s criminal legal system as stipulated on Act No. 8 1981 regarding KUHAP (Indonesia Criminal Procedural Law).

Read the ALSA LC Unhas's Hukum Info to
find out more about Legal Remedy.

Ignite the spirits within ALSA,
Hand in hand together we can.

Always Be One!


Hi, ALSAians!

According to Prof. Subekti in his book titled "Pokok-Pokok Hukum Perdata", servituut or erfdienstbaarheid is a form of material rights over other people's objects. Where a load is placed on a yard for the purposes of other adjacent yards. Servituut is regulated in Article 674 to Article 710 of the Civil Code, Chapter Six concerning Yard Service.

According to C.S.T. Kansil, there are conditions for the yard validity or servituut service. There are also various kinds of servituut rights as well as the birth and expiration of servituut rights which are regulated in the Sixth Chapter of the Civil Code concerning Yard Service.

Read the latest ALSA LC Unhas's Hukum Info to
find out more about Servituut Rights in Indonesia.

Ignite the spirits within ALSA,
Hand in hand together we can.

Always Be One!


Hi, ALSAians!

Juridically, photos taken through cellphone cameras are categorized as electronic information and/or electronic documents if they are still in electronic form or have not been printed in accordance with Article 1 points 1 and 4 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE).

Read the latest ALSA LC Unhas' Hukum Info to
find out more about Photographing Rights in Indonesia.

Ignite the spirits within ALSA,
Hand in hand together we can.

Always Be One!

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