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What The Media Give And How We React

What The Media Give And How We React

Penulis Yusuf A. Bustam

Introduction The development and widely use of social media in Indonesia is known as “Old Media” but the media does not indicate internet technology in its daily activities. Some examples of widely used medium of “Old Media” are; television, radio, magazines, newspaper been developed and integrated from old media device to providing superior selling points than ever before and can also compete in today’s modern era, such as LED TVs, radios now mounted on HP devices, e-paper, and so on. The transition in the development of technology has always evolved, but the progress of the media has sometimes been prevented from entering Indonesia due to economic problems.

In the past 20 years Indonesian still rely on newspapers to find out information. However, during the New Order period the information control went so strongly from the issuing permit established by the government. One of the well-known information controls by the government t is to revoke the business press issuance with the media. The legacy over the press media is continued from the colonial government, it is known as “sowed hatred” against the government.

The emergence of the new term “new media” in the development of social media in Indonesia is used to refer to the next phase after the old media, the main characteristic of the new media is; the new media have used the help of Internet technology. Internet technology is a computer network that covers the whole world has certain systems and protocols that have been mutually agreed upon, Technology becomes the main force in the new media that relies on the network as the main distribution. The emergence of Social media can be regarded as one of the social media. Social media in general is a medium used to socialize with people from outside who are not limited by geographical location, space, even time with the aim to communicate with each other, make friends and even to express opinions.

The introduction of social media in Indonesia is not as easy as it is today, the use of social media was very limited. The society faces some obstacles; such as economic problems. Internet Cafe is an alternative where the community can enjoy social media. Internet cafe provides hardware such as computers and internet networks. The most commonly use social networking activities are; Facebook, Pinterest, You Tube, Twitter, Etc. Over time due to the increase of economic factors, Indonesians eventually have easier access to Smartphone (mobile phone with internet connection). SmartPhone like android, iOS, and others contribute to the widespread internet access and social media for Indonesians. Indonesian has integrated social media in its daily activity, not only for socializing and communicating but also often used for political, governmental, and other purposes. For example in the 2014 presidential election, some campaigns were using internet network and social media as one of their main tools to promote their candidate. Indonesian are very surprised to see how strong the influence and impact on social media for networking. The content on social media can easily be viral to reach tens of millions of people. The large number of social influencers can clearly see the potential for companies to open branches or official offices to facilitate communication with the government with its users in Indonesia. The use of social media can also create new invention to make daily life easier, such as the creations of transportation applications; Gojek, Grab, and Uber. These applications requires a lot of human resources in running the role and function. Other words to run these applications opens a lot of job opportunities, in the field of law, health even social media. In some cases when irresponsible acts that might violate the law happened, it can be acknowledge, socialize, and distribute by sharing it on social media.

Even though social media advances the way we communicate, socialize, or share our opinion, it does not always gives a positive impact. Some problems that may occur because of the missed used of social media. When problem is not handled seriously, it impact our society to grow in a negative direction. is not a positive direction as a smart society in using the internet, examples of negative cases in using social media that is in issuing opinions, issuing opinions highly respected by the government of Indonesia based on Democracy, freedom of expression contained in the 1945 Constitution article 28 e verse 2 also reinforced through Law No. 9 of 1988 on freedom of opinion. In this case social media make individuals communicate or express their opinions about various topics or cases of other individuals so as to cause assumptions, emotions, and belief through comments, crime cases ever happened due to social media that is “Saracen Group” from group that exist on Facebook and this website got the most spotlight since mid-2017, they uploaded content containing hate speech and hoaks and addressed to certain groups. In fact, some of his posts contain hatred and hoaks directed at certain groups. In fact, some offensive tribes, races, religions, and intergroups (sara), they are perceived as spreading hate speech content and smelling (SARA) in social media on demand at a rate of rp 72 million, while the media used to spread the content among others in the group Facebook Saracen News, Saracen News, Saracen Cyber Team. There is also a case of cyber bullying that just happened to a child named Prabowo Mondardo or so-called Bowo Alpenleibe blasphemy for blasphemy sprung to this Jakarta-based boy. According to references from the tock artist was bullied with lots of reasons from using application filters to accusations at meet n greet, blasphemy to bowo is a form of immaturity of social media users in identifying the problem because blasphemy to Bowo does not give way out . Just put pressure on the child and his family. Negative form that caused social media not only as above but very much.

Main Issue As a social phenomenon, the law aims to create and maintain a balance between the various interests that exist within the community, so that conflicts of interest between members of society can be avoided. Electronic Information and Transaction Laws are laws governing information and electronic transactions, or information technology in general. The ITE Act has the purpose of educating the nation’s life from the world’s information society. Developing national trade and economics in the context of improving the welfare of society, improving efficiency and effectiveness of public services, opens the widest possible opportunity to anyone who wants to advance their thinking and ability in technology. The ITE Act is a law based on legal certainty, benefit, prudence, good faith, and free choice of technology or neutral technology laws that have been firm enough in overcoming the problem due to bad social media that occurred in the paragraph above. The law of ITE governs violations of law in general technology such as violation of decency, gambling, humiliation and defamation, extortion or threats, spreading hoaxes, so we can do the ITE Act that is tightening the law and trying to improve it.

The way to overcome the problems in social media is the government plunge directly to the community, especially to youth generation by giving education to the bad impact of social media, the government can also mengguankan social media by distributing softcopy education in social media

Another way to cope with online harassment, hatred, and incitement is that governments should be selective with incoming app companies in Indonesia the government must know which games the app has in order to comply with what applications could potentially spread hatred and provide rules for the app. Another thing we can do is learn from Germany is to provide financial sanctions to social media company if they fail to reduce the volume of contemptuous content on their platform. What we can do is hire intelligence tools that use text analysis of a form of artificial intelligence and work on searching words, sentences, and symbols on social media sites that potentially have antisemit content.

Conclusion Social media is an online medium, with its users can easily participate, share, and create content including blogs, social networking, information sources, forums, and so forth. The development of social media passes through many phases starting from the old media that our common parents use such as radio, television, newspapers, even though the old media still have rules created to avoid hate content or false news, once from the old media into new media is an update of the old media, the old media is not completely replaceable haanya updated either through example models such as LED TV, or radio streaming or e-book, then after the new media appear social media that has a characteristic that is connected with the Internet network means relating the outside world.

Social media provides many benefits such as employment opportunities, helping people in various human activities for transportation, for teaching and learning, in politics, law, economics, even health of social media is very helpful, we can know the situation of our relatives affected by disasters such as in Palestine, Mynmar, or knowing so that we can send help to those in need, but behind the positive impact of social media there is a negative impact that can affect people’s lives to individuals such as spreading false news, hate spreading, cyber crime, bully practices in the community. However, the existence of negative impacts due to social media can be reduced because of the existence of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law that has been made by the government could also be the bad impact of social media is reduced through several ways and approaches that can be done by the government such as government sanction to the application company when the amount of content his resentment did not suffer a setback or the government could be more selective to applications that would enter Indonesia as well as governments could use other avenues such as creating artificial intelligence.

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