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ALSA Indonesia

ALSA National Chapter Indonesia is a full and founding member of ALSA, tracing its roots from the 1989 formation of the ASEAN Law Students’ Association. Law students from the Faculty of Law, in 14 member universities, are eligible to become ALSA Indonesia members. As a National Chapter, ALSA Indonesia is well-respected for its contributions to developing ALSA internationally, and maintains a reputation for organizing so many diverse and beneficial programs each year. ALSA Indonesia has also been credited for fostering closer cooperation between students from all members in the law faculties, by increasing the opportunities for its members to collaborate, be friend, and share networks . Much of ALSA’s ability to enrich legal education and provide value across the network can be attributed to the activeness of ALSA Indonesia over the last 24 years, from the local to the international level, in regards to ALSA events and projects. Most recently, ALSA Indonesia was the host of the 2010 ALSA Conference and has been holding Study Trips every year since 2011 which saw attendance by delegates from the entire ALSA network. The association’s history can be traced back to the establishment of different law organizations between the late 80’s to mid 90’s, which were predecessors of today’s Asian Law Students’ Association . In 1989, a group of law students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, came together with the idea creating an organization that could promote greater understanding and appreciation of the different legal systems among ASEAN member countries, as well as foster better relations among the last students of the said nations. As a result, the ASEAN Law Students’ Association was born. A few years later, it was this same spirit that empowered law students from Japan, Korea, and Taiwan to come together in 1996 to form a similar organization for East Asian law students, under the name of Asian Law Students’ Association. At this time, Hong Kong also had its own initial organization catering to similar educational and social needs of its students within its territory. With the growing desire of these different groups to expand their networks and develop the law student community in the Asian region, an agreement was signed on September 7, 2002 which marked the union between the ASEAN Law Students’ Organization (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand) and the Asian Law Students’ Organization (Japan, Korea, Taiwan) into one single entity, thus giving birth to ALSA as it is known today.  The new merger was enforced in 2003 at the ALSA Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, along with the enrolment of China and Hong Kong as members.  Since then, more Asian countries have joined, the newest ones being Laos and Vietnam, who were admitted as full members last August 2012 and Sri Lanka, last August 2013. ALSA hopes to welcome more countries into the organization, as seen with the ongoing observership process of national groups from India and other countries.  In addition to this, it aims to establish more partnerships with various academic institutions, NGOs and government agencies as part of our aim of empowering and developing law students into becoming the future movers, innovators, and leaders in the Asian region. The Visions to focus on a global vision on the promising future of ASIA; to promote an awareness of justice; and to facilitate the recognition of the social responsibilities of law students. The Objectives to understand and appreciate the diversity and share the ideals of law in society through exchange and communication among Asian law students; to motivate law students to develop a creative spirit through a network of joint activities among Asian Law Students; and to encourage the enhancement of the capabilities of Asian law students to become internationally minded, socially responsible, academically committed, and legally skilled. ALSA Indonesia, as one of the founders of the organization, back in 1989, have been growing so rapidly since 2002 when we progressed from only making great things happen in the ASEAN region, to building unlimited networks with our friends on the other parts of the Asia.  Making us one of the strongest and most developed National Chapter of ALSA International. ALSA Indonesia is divided into 14 Local Chapters of various universities spread from the west to the east of Indonesia: ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Andalas, Padang ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Indonesia, Depok ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung ALSA Local Chapter Universitas GadjahMada, Yogyakarta ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Brawijaya, Malang ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Jember, Jember ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Udayana, Denpasar ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado With more than 3000 active members and even more alumni, ALSA Indonesia has been setting examples on how students are and should be prepared to fit in the global era. Its diverse traditions and various characteristics among each Local Chapter never prevent all the elements of the organization to gather in one harmoniously united entity, ALSA Indonesia. #ALSAIndonesia

ALSA Indonesia

ALSA National Chapter Indonesia is a full and founding member of ALSA, tracing its roots from the 1989 formation of the ASEAN Law...

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